The truth about troop deployment – ex-self-defence officer bring damning charges against the concealment of his “accident” (DVD)
On 4 July 2006 during the American Independence Day, a young Japanese Air Force officer deployed in Kuwait was run over by a bus operated by the US Army. The Japanese SDF then concealed the incident.
Not given the appropriate treatment, the after-effects of the injuries suffered by the young man means he can barely move his mouth and can only eat liquid meals. He cannot write because of paralysis and trembling, and needs to sleep 20 hours daily.
Footage includes interviews with Iraqi citizens regarding the deployment of SDF personnel in Iraq, commentary by journalist Rei Shiva, as well as interviews with ex-US army personnel struggling with PTSD from their deployment in Iraq.
This documentary is a must-see for people wanting to know the full impact of a society in which war legislation is relaxed.
Director: Rena Masuyama
Cast: former aviation SDF officer Yorimasa Ikeda dispatched to Iraq
Iraq veterans: Ross Kaputi
Voices from Iraq: Abusaeed, Mustafa
Battlefield journalist Rei Shiva
Production and distribution - publisher Earth Art Factory

Trailer Youtube